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Lemma  amalgamation 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Martinet (1962) 
Rinvii  amalgam (inglese)  

We may also, if we choose, call 'sang', the preterit of the verb 'to sing', an amalgam, although it is not likely to have resulted from a process of amalgamation. This process is not necessarily carried through so that it becomes impossible to distinguish one 'signifiant' from another: in Slavic languages, amalgamating processes have, at different periods, begun to blur the boundaries between the radical moneme 'ruk-' ‘hand’ and the following derivational monemes or case-endings; this as resulted in yielding different forms for the radical: in Czech, for instance, 'ruk-' in the nominative singular 'ruka', 'ruc-' in the locative 'ruce', and 'ruč-' in the adjective 'ručni'.
- Martinet (1962), a pag.46-47

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