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Lemma  coincidence 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bopp (1820) 
Rinvii  resemblance (inglese)
similarity (inglese)
similitude (inglese)  

It is now very generally admitted, that there exists a similarity between the Sanskrit and several of the languages, which by conquest or other causes: have obtained the most extensive adoption over both ancient and modern Europe. No person, however, not practically acquainted with the language of the Brahmans, could be aware that there exists a coincidence so exact and so universal throughout all portions of grammar as is really the case. Many resemblances are evident at first sight, others are discovered by more careful investigation, and the more closely we analyse the recondite structure of the kindred tongues, the more we are surprised to find them constantly developed by the same principle.
- Bopp (1820), a pag.1

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