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Lemma  addition of suffix 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bopp (1820) 

Mr. FREDERIC SCHLEGEL, in his excellent work on the language and philosophy of the Hindus, very judiciously observes, that language is constructed by the operation of two methods: by inflection, or the internal modification of words, in order to indicate a variation of sense, and secondly, by the addition of suffixes, having themselves a proper meaning. But I cannot agree with his opinion, when he divides languages, according as he supposes them to use exclusively the first or second method, into two classes, reckoning the Sanskrit language, and those of the same family, in the first, under the supposition that the second method never is used by them. I rather think that both methods are adopted in the formation of all languages, the Chinese perhaps alone excepted, and that the second, by the use of significant suffixes, is the method which predominates in all.
- Bopp (1820), a pag.10

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