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Lemma  relativized minimality 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1995) 

Two cases of intervention have been explored; following Rizzi (1990) [Rizzi, L. 1990. Relativized Minimality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press], let us call them "rigid minimality" and "relativized minimality". (129) [...] b. Relativized: γ is of the same "type" as α [...] To spell out the concept of relativized minimality, we must characterize the relevant types. These are given in (130). (130) a. If α is a head, γ is a head; b. If α is in an A-position, then γ is a specifier in an A-position; c. If α is in an Ā position, then γ is a specifier in an Ā position.
- Chomsky (1995), a pag.81

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