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Lemma  RES(NIC) 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1993) 
Sinonimi  residue of the NIC (inglese)  

RES(NIC) is not related to NIC or to the binding theory at all, but rather to a different principle of the theory of government, still to be formulated properly, namely, the principle that traces must be in some sense governed at LF.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.233

RES(NIC) extends beyond "wh"-trace to variables in general and thus is a principle applying in the LF-component, presumably, as a condition on LF-representation.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.239

We may now tentatively reformulate RES(NIC) as in (4): (4) [NP "e"] must be locally controlled.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.241

[…] let us simply take "local control" to be a subcase of government [...] Then RES(NIC) is reformulated as (7): (7) [NP "e"] must be governed (in some sense).
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.249

Some distinct principle, then, will account for the fact that "wh"-movement appears to the subject to something like the NIC [...] call it "the residue of the NIC" (RES(NIC)) […].
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.160

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