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Lemma  government 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1993) 
Rinvii  to govern (inglese)  

(4) [β...γ...α...γ...], where (i) α = X°; (ii) where φ is a maximal projection, if φ dominates γ, then φ dominates α; (iii) α is an immediate constituent of β [...] Then, we define "government" as in (5): α "governs" γ in (4). Thus, the maximal projections (S, NP, AP, PP, VP) are absolute barriers to government; by (4ii), none of these maximal projections may dominate γ unless it also dominates α, if α governs γ.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.163-164

Thus we have (6) [...] and a corresponding change in the notion of "government": (6) [β...γ...α...γ...], where (i) α = X°; (ii) where φ is a maximal projection, φ dominates α if and only if φ dominates γ.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.164

[...] redefining "government" [...] (11) [β...γ...α...γ...], where (i) α = X°; (ii) where φ is a maximal projection, if φ dominates γ, then φ dominates α; (iii) α c-commands γ.
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.165

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