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Lemma  antecedent-binding 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1993) 
Sinonimi  A-binding (inglese)  
Rinvii  antecedent-bound (inglese)  

Antecedent-binding relates anaphors and proximate pronominals to their antecedents, controllers in the case of PRO [...] Let us therefore distinguish the two notions "A-binding" and "Ᾱ-binding", the former holding when the binder is in an A-position and thus has an A-GF and the latter when it is in an Ᾱ-position with an Ᾱ-GF; the former notion is what I have been calling "antecedent binding" and the latter, "operator-binding".
- Chomsky (1993), a pag.184

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