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Lemma  syntactic component 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1969) 

The syntactic component specifies an infinite set of abstract formal objects, each of which incorporates all information relevant to a single interpretation of a particular sentence.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.16

[…] the syntactic component consists of a base that generates deep structures and a transformational part that maps them into surface structures.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.135

[…] the syntactic component of a generative grammar, that is [...] the rules that specify the well-formed strings of minimal syntactically functioning units ("formatives") and assign structural information of various kinds both to these strings and to strings that deviate from well-formedeness in certain respects.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.3

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