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Lemma  grammar 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Chomsky (1969) 

A grammar of a language purports to be a description of the ideal speaker-hearer's intrinsic competence [...] A fully adequate grammar must assign to each of an infinite range of sentences a structural description indicating how this sentence is understood by the ideal speaker-hearer.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.4-5

Using the term "grammar" with a systematic ambiguity (to refer, first, to the native speaker's internally represented "theory of his language" and, second, to the linguist's account of this), we can say that the child has developed and internally represented a generative grammar.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.25

The grammar now consists of a base and a linear sequence of singulary transformations.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.135

A grammar contains a syntactic component, a semantic component, and a phonological component. The latter two are purely interpretive; they play no part in the recursive generation of sentence structures. The syntactic component consists of a base and a transformational component. The base, in turn, consists of a categorial subcomponent and a lexicon. The base generates deep structures. A deep structure enters the semantic component and receives a semantic interpretation; it is mapped by the transformational rules into a surface structure, which is then given a phonetic interpretation by the rules of the phonological component. Thus the grammar assigns semantic interpretations to signals, this association being mediated by the recursive rules of the syntactic component.
- Chomsky (1969), a pag.141

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