Seleziona la sigla di un'opera per consultare le informazioni collegate

Lemma  stress 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1951) 
Rinvii  contour (inglese)
discourse (inglese)
distribution (inglese)
feature of speech (inglese)
intonation (inglese)
juncture (inglese)
language (inglese)
morpheme-class sequence (inglese)
morphological feature (inglese)
occurrence (inglese)
position (inglese)
rhythm (inglese)
tone (inglese)
utterance (inglese)
vowel (inglese)
vowel harmony (inglese)
word (inglese)  

In a language like Swahili, where the stress is ‘bound’, we can go beyond this and investigate what division of the utterance is such that the stress would be regular within each division. Since the stress occurs regularly on the penult vowel of the word, including the last word of the utterance, the only division in which all stresses (including the last one of the utterance) would be regular is the division after the post-stress vowels.
- Harris (1951), a pag.88

Stress is not phonetically uniform. Over longer utterance, certain stress contours are distinguishable. However, any stress may, independently of contour, be raised between one and two levels of tone […] when the word is emphasized.
- Harris (1951), a pag.120

[…] there is a […] type of distribution, in which the occurrence of a particular tone or stress depends upon the position of a morphological boundary: e.g. every word end may have a loud stress on the second vowel before it. In this case, the tone or stress is used as the speech feature definition of a juncture, and usually the juncture is marked instead of the tone. (it is not necessary to give the tone any additional mark, if penult vowels before various occurrences of the juncture all have the same tone.).
- Harris (1951), a pag.145, n.46

Every word has precisely one main stress […].
- Harris (1951), a pag.327

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