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Lemma  occurrence of a morphemic segment 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1951) 
Rinvii  environment (inglese)
morpheme (inglese)
morphemic segment (inglese)
occurrence (inglese)
occurrence of a phoneme (inglese)
phoneme (inglese)  

The operation of 12.22 [Upper Limit for Number of Morphemic Segments in an Utterance] assures that there will be fewer limitations upon the occurrence of a morphemic segment within a long environment than upon the occurrence of a phoneme. For each time a new morphemic segment is recognized, with a certain stated phonemic constituency, it becomes unnecessary to state elsewhere that the particular phonemic sequence represented by that morpheme occurs in the environment in question, while opther phonemic sequences not represented by any morpheme do not occur there.
- Harris (1951), a pag.171

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