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Lemma  grammar of lists 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1951) 
Rinvii  arrangement (inglese)
description of language (inglese)  

Appendix to 20.3:A Grammar of Lists [...] In one of its simplest forms of presentation, a synchronic description of a language can consist essentially of a number of lists. A possible arrangement of such lists is given below. 1. 'Segment-Phoneme List' [...] 2. 'Phoneme Distribution List' [...] 3. 'Automatic Morphophonemic List' [...] 4. 'Non-automatic Morphophonemic List' […] 5. 'Alternative Morphophonemic Symbol List' […] 6. 'Classified Morpheme List' […] 7. 'Morpheme Sequence List' […] 8. 'Component and Construction List' […] 9. 'Sentence List' […].
- Harris (1951), a pag.376

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