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Lemma  contour morpheme 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1951) 
Rinvii  extra loud stress (inglese)
morphemic segment (inglese)  

A clearer case of a contour morpheme is the extra loud stress which may occur on almost any morphemic segment of an utterance (as in 'No! Tell HIM to throw the red one or No! Tell him to THROW the red one', etc.). The two utterances can be recognized as distinct from each other, and must therefore differ phonemically and morphemically. The difference between the /'θrow/ of the first utterance and the /''θrow/ of the second is the phonemic /''/ whose independent occurrence correlates consistently with the presence of a contrastive or emphatic meaning such as ‘throw and not drop!’, /''/ is therefore a morphemic segment, with contrastively emphatic meaning.
- Harris (1951), a pag.169

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