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Lemma  creole 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Le Page (1977) 

[…] the conditions that subsequently lead to the emergence of well-defined creoles are particular, and the characteristics of the creole in each case depend upon the relative size and prestige of the groups involved in the isolated community, the nature of their daily communion, the degree of their isolation, and other focussing factors such as the extent of a community of interest and the nature of that interest, the demographic structure of the community (predominance of young people vs. predominance of the old, predominance of male or female sex, etc.), and the replacement mechanisms of the population […].
- Le Page (1977), a pag.241-242

The characteristics of the creole will also depend upon such linguistic features as the nature of the model language, and whether it is the same language as that involved in the contact that produced the original pidgin, or a different language.
- Le Page (1977), a pag.242

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