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Lemma  young pidgin 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 
Rinvii  pidgin (inglese)  

If we start from a linguistic point of view in defining the characteristics of pidgin and creoles, we could ask what the minimal structural requirements for such languages are. Koopman – Lefebvre [Koopman, H. – Lefebvre, C. (1981). “Haitian Creole pu. in Muysken, P. (ed.) 1981. Generative Studies on Creole Languages. Dordretch: Foris.], for example, suggest that young pidgins are characterized by two features: (i) a vocabulary defined in terms of major features, nouns and verbs […]; (ii) minimal sentence structure. That is to say, that there are no morphosyntactic categories, eg auxiliary.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.46-47

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