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Lemma  stranded construction and shifted construction 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 
Rinvii  oblique (inglese)  

The term oblique is used to refer to relatives in whose underlying structure the coreferential NP functions as the object of a prepositions in: [6] 'the house that he lived in' [7] 'the house which he lived in' [8] 'the house in which he lived' There are two types of oblique focus construction: ‘stranded’ and ‘shifted’. These terms refer to the placement of the preposition in relation to its object. In the stranded construction the preposition is separated from its relative marker or pronoun, as in [6] and [7]. In the shifted construction the preposition has been shifted or fronted along with coreferential NP to the beginning of the relative clause, as in [8].
- Romaine (1988), a pag.236

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