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Lemma  principle of paradigmatic univocity 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 

Another aspect of the principle of paradigmatic univocity is that it eliminates agreement markers which require the redundant expression of the same unit of meaning in several places in an utterance. […] Thus, there is a tendency for each grammatical morpheme to be expressed only once in an utterance, and for that morpheme to be expressed by a single form.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.27-28

A number of linguists have tried to explain the similarities which pidginized speech varieties show in the expression of grammatical categories and syntactic relationships by appealing to more general principles of linguistic organization motivated by specialization to the referential function. One such principle is that of paradigmatic univocity, as defined, for example, by Hjelmslev [Hjelmslev, L. 1938. “Relations de parenté dans les langues créoles”, Revue des Etudes Indo-Européennes I: pp. 271-86.], which refers to cases in which a stable relationship exists between form and meaning.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.25

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