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Lemma  post-creole continuum 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 

De Camp [DeCamp, D. 1971. “Towards a generative analysis of a post-creole continuum”, in Hymes, D. (ed.), 1971. Pidginization and Creolization of Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 349-70.] assumed that the post-creole continuum reflected diachronic evolution from an earlier situation in which only the standard and the creole existed. In other words intermediate or mesolectal varieties are regarded as younger and more recent than either the creole or standard. They arise to fill in the linguistic space between the two ends of the continuum, just as the social space between the highest and lowest social classes of post-colonial society is also filled in.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.182

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