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Lemma  labelling pidgin 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 

Mühlhäusler [Mühlhäusler, P. (1986). Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell.] […] points out the drawbacks on the customary practice of labelling pidgins with a formula which includes their location and their principal lexifier language, as in the following examples: (a) Chinese Pidgin English (b) New Guinea Pidgin English (c) New Caledonian Pidgin French […] These labels are misleading for a number of reasons […] From a linguistic point of view one objection is that such labels imply that the lexicon is separate from the syntax and that the lexicon is more important in deciding relationships among languages.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.17

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