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Lemma  creole vs. sign language 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 

Deuchar [Deuchar, M. 1986. “Sign Languages as creoles and Chomsky’s notion of universal grammar”, in Modgil, S. and Modgil, C. Noam Chomsky, Consensus and Controversy, Brighton, Falmer Press] concludes on the basis of shared similarities in both structure and development that sign languages, like creoles, are emerging languages of the same kind. Sign languages will continue to be newly created languages in each generation as long as the chain of transmission from deaf adult to child is very weak. Deuchar points to new possibilities of explaining the similarities among sign languages which arise once it is accepted that sign languages are creoles […] However […] we do not know enough about the different contexts in which the child’s acquisition of sign language takes place.
- Romaine (1988), a pag.298-299

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