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Lemma  creole language 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Romaine (1988) 
Rinvii  creole (inglese)  

Washabaugh and Greenfield [Washabaugh W. and Greenfield, S. M. 1983. “The Development of Atlantic Creole Languages”, in Woolford, E. and Washabaugh, W. 1983. The social context of Creolization, Ann Arbor, Karoma] say that creole languages emerged as a consequence of large cultural-historical processes that combined political and economical forces in the creation of new and distinct social situations. Creoles developed to provide a world of meaning to enable their speakers to adapt to the constraints of the new situation […] There is nothing in this scenario, however, which is specific to creolization as opposed to the social processes which shape the development of all languages. Where is language not used as a major tool for the construction of a world view and an identity?
- Romaine (1988), a pag.312

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