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Lemma  procedure for describing utteances 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1946) 
Rinvii  method (inglese)  

This paper presents a formalized procedure for describing utteances directly in terms of sequences of morphemes rather than of single morphemes. It thus covers an important part of what is usually included under syntax. When applied in a particular language, the procedure yields a compact statement of what sequences of morphemes occur in the language, i.e. a formula for each utterance (sentence) structure in the language […]. The procedure outlined below consists, essentialy, in extending the technique of substitution from single morphemes (e.g. 'man') to sequences of morphemes (e.g. 'intense young man'). In so far as it deals with sequences, it parallels the type of analysis frequently used in syntax, so that the chief usefulness of this procedure is probably its explicitness rather than any novelty of method or result.
- Harris (1946), a pag.161

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