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Lemma  continuous morpheme 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1945a) 
Rinvii  discontinuous morpheme (inglese)
morpheme (inglese)  

The essence of the method is that any two or more continuous morphemes which always occur together shall be considered to constitute together a single new morpheme. Since this relation between continuous morphemes is a type of grammatical agreement, the method here proposed obviates the necessity of separately treating this type of agreement.
- Harris (1945a), a pag.121

In the continuous morphemes, the fundamental criterion which determines that the whole of a sequence of phonemes constitutes one morpheme rather than two, is the fact that the whole sequence occurs together in a certain class of positions and with certain meanings, and that parts of the sequence do not occur separately with parts of the total meaning of the sequence. Precisely this criterion is found to apply to what will be proposed below as discontinuous morphemes.
- Harris (1945a), a pag.122

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