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Lemma  phonetic value of a component 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1944) 
Rinvii  component (inglese)
phoneme (inglese)
phonetic value of a phoneme (inglese)
position (inglese)
voice (inglese)  

E.g. vibration of the vocal cords, giving ‘voice’. This might be the phonetic value of a particular component in a particular position, whereas the phonetic value of a particular phoneme in a particular position might be, for example, voice plus closing off of the nose plus closing of the lips (English /b/).
- Harris (1944), a pag.186, n.6

Since the components are to identify phonemes, or more generally speech sounds, each component must have a stated phonetic value in each environment in which it occurs. As in the case of phonemes, there is no reason to require that its phonetic value be identical in all the environments.
- Harris (1944), a pag.187

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