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Lemma  regular alternation 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1942a) 
Rinvii  morpheme (inglese)  

'Tübatulabal puw' ‘to irrigate’, 'uּbuw' ‘he irrigated’ would have to be analyzed as containing different morphemes, since the phoneme sequence /puw/ does not occur in the second word. Similarly, 'p∂l∂ּla' ‘to arrive’, '∂ּb∂l∂ּla' ‘he arrived’; for every morpheme which begins with a voiced stop after a prefix there is a similar morpheme beginning with the homorganic voiceless stop in word-initial. In spite of the phonemic difference between the members of each of these pairs, we wish to consider each pair a single morpheme, since in other cases we have a single morpheme in the position of both members of these pairs: 'w∂ּ' in ‘to pour’, '∂ּw∂ּ' in ‘he poured’. We say that there is a regular alternation in the language: a voiced stop is replaced by the homorganic voiceless stop in word-initial.
- Harris (1942a), a pag.169

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