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Lemma  arranging morphemes 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Harris (1942a) 
Rinvii  alternant (inglese)
morpheme alternant (inglese)
morpheme unit (inglese)
unit (inglese)  

[…] The method of arranging the morphemes of a language consists of three steps: 1. dividing each phonemically written linguistic expression into the smallest parts which recur with the same meaning in different expressions, each such part to be called a morpheme alternant; 2. grouping into a distinct morpheme unit all alternants which satisfy the following conditions: (a) have the same meaning (b) never occur in identical environments, and (c) have combined environments no greater than the environemnts of some single alternant in the language; 3. making general statements for all units which have identical difference between their alternants.
- Harris (1942a), a pag.179

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