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Lemma  univariate vs multivariate structure 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Halliday (1985) 

What the logical analysis does is to bring out the recursive aspect of the modifying relation, showing the nominal group as a regressive bracketing. This is the property that generates long strings of nouns such as are found in headlines and the names of parts of machines [...] We refer to this as UNIVARIATE structure, a structure generated by the recurrence of the same function [...] The type of structure exemplified by Deictic + Numerative + Epithet + Classifier + Thing + Qualifier we call a MULTIVARIATE structure: a constellation of element each having a distinctive function with respect to the whole.
- Halliday (1985), a pag.172

Parataxis and hypotaxis define a kind of structure that we have called ʻunivariateʼ, to distinguish it from the multivariate structures that we find everywhere else. A multivariate structure is a configuration of different functional relationships, like Theme – Rheme, or Actor – Process – Beneficiary – Goal. Note that, although it is the functions that are labelled, the structure actually consists of the relationships among them. A univariate structure is an iteration of the same functional relationship [...].
- Halliday (1985), a pag.198

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