[...] the grammatical element [...] need not be suffixed to the radical element. It may be [...] inserted into the very body of the stem (like the 'n' of the Latin 'vinco' 'I conquer' as contrasted with its absence in 'vici' 'I have conquered'). - Sapir (1921), a pag.26 [...] 'infixing' [...] is utterly unknown in English, unless we consider the '-n-' of 'stand' (contrast 'stood') as an infixed element. - Sapir (1921), a pag.72 In [...] Yokuts, vocalic modifications affect both noun and verb forms. Thus, 'buchong' 'son' forms the plural 'bochang-i' (contrast the objective 'buchong-a') [...] - Sapir (1921), a pag.74 [...] Latin and Greek verse depends on the principle of contrasting weights; English verse, on the principle of contrasting stresses; French verse, on the principles of number and echo; Chinese verse, on the principles of number, echo, and contrasting pitches. - Sapir (1921), a pag.230