Seleziona la sigla di un'opera per consultare le informazioni collegate

Lemma  impulse 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Sapir (1921) 
Rinvii  expression (inglese)
form (inglese)
inner (inglese)
instinctive utterance (inglese)
localization (inglese)
organ of speech (inglese)
to express (inglese)
tone (inglese)
utterance (inglese)  

In normal individuals the impulse to speech first takes effect in the sphere of auditory imagery and is then transmitted to the motor nerves that control the organs of speech.
- Sapir (1921), a pag.17

The auditory centers alone may be excited; or the impulse to linguistic expression may be communicated as well to the motor nerves that communicate with the organs of speech [...]
- Sapir (1921), a pag.18

[...] emphasis, tone, and phrasing, the varying speed and continuity of utterance, the accompanying bodily movements, all these express something of the inner life of impulse and feeling, but [...] these [...] are [...] but modified forms of the instinctive utterance that man shares with the lower animals [...]
- Sapir (1921), a pag.38

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Dizionario generale plurilingue del Lessico Metalinguistico is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License.
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