Seleziona la sigla di un'opera per consultare le informazioni collegate

Lemma  grammatical process 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Sapir (1921) 
Rinvii  accentual alternation (inglese)
affixing (inglese)
composition (inglese)
concept (inglese)
consonantal change (inglese)
form (inglese)
language (inglese)
pitch accent (inglese)
radical element (inglese)
reduplication (inglese)
stress (inglese)
vocalic change (inglese)
word order (inglese)  

We may [...] consider the formal methods employed by a language, its 'grammatical processes'[...]
- Sapir (1921), a pag.57

Every language possesses one or more formal methods for indicating the relation of a secondary concept to the main concept of the radical element. Some of these grammatical processes, like suffixing, are exceedingly widespread; others, like vocalic change, are less common [...] others, like accent and consonantal change, are somewhat exceptional [...]
- Sapir (1921), a pag.59

[...] all languages evince a curious instinct for the development of one or more particular grammatical processes at the expenses of others [...]
- Sapir (1921), a pag.60

[...] the various grammatical processes [...] may be grouped into six main types: word order; composition; affixation, including the use of prefixes, suffixes, and infixes; internal modification of the radical or grammatical element, whether this affects a vowel or a consonant; reduplication; and accentual differences, whether dynamic (stress ) or tonal pitch.
- Sapir (1921), a pag.61

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