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Lemma  root-forming morpheme 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bloomfield (1935) 

[...] the case of English symbolic words; in these we can distinguish, with varying degrees of clearness, and with doubtful cases on the border-line, a system of initial and final 'root-forming morphemes' of vague signification. It is plain that the intense, symbolic connotation is associated with this structure. Thus we find recurrent initials: [ fl ] 'moving light': flash, flare, flame, flicker, flimmer. [...] In the same vague way, we can distinguish finals: [sh] 'violent movement': bash, clash, crash, dash, flash,gash, mash, gnash, slash, splash.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.244-245

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