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Lemma  phonetic change 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bloomfield (1935) 

The first step in the development of method in historical linguistics was the seeking out of uniform phonetic correspondences; we take these correspondences to be the results of a factor of change which we call 'phonetic change'.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.347

Historically, we picture phonetic change as a gradual favoring of some non-distinctive variants and a disfavoring of others.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.365

Phonetic change, as defined in the last chapter, is a change in the habits of performing sound-producing movements.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.369

Phonetic change acquires significance only if it results in a change of phonemic pattern.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.369

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