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Lemma  lexical form 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bloomfield (1935) 

When we have occasion to contrast the purely lexical character of a linguistic form with the habits of arrangement to which it is subject, we shall speak of it as a 'lexical form'.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.166

Any actual utterance can be fully described in terms of the lexical form and the accompanying grammatical features.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.168

Every lexical form is connected in two directions with grammatical forms. On the one side, the lexical form, even when taken by itself, in the abstract, exhibits a meaningful grammatical structure. If it is a complex form, it shows some morphologic or syntactic construction [...] if it is a morpheme, it may still exhibit morphologic features [...]
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.264

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