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Lemma  grammatical form 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Bloomfield (1935) 

[...] a tactic form with its meaning is a 'grammatical form'.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.166

[...] units of grammatical form may be spoken of as 'tagmemes' [...]
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.166

Any utterance can be fully described in terms of lexical and grammatical forms; [...]
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.167

[...] the lexical form in any actual utterance, as a concrete linguistic form, is always accompanied by some 'grammatical form': it appears in some function, and these priviliges of occurrence make up, collectively, the grammatical function of the lexical form.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.265

The grammatical forms of a language can be grouped into three great classes: [...] sentence-type [...] construction[...] substitutions.
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.169

The meaningful features of linguistic signaling are of two kinds: lexical forms, which consist of phonemes, and grammatical forms [...]
- Bloomfield (1935), a pag.264

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